
My Natural Freebirth Story

Birth preparation My birth experience was the most natural, empowering experience that I could ever imagine a human to have, don’t get me wrong. But it required a lot of preparation - mentally, physically and spiritually. It also required a huge amount of responsibility, as I was essentially taking my birth experience into my own hands by not following the ‘usual’ route of going to doctors, hospitals, etc. After sitting through a talk on natural, non-hospital births by an amazing organisation called 'When Push Comes to Shove' ( in February 2022, there was little question as to whether I would ever have a child of mine in a hospital. With most things in the world, I like to question "how did humans do this before the 'modern' world came along and saved us all" (lol). Humans have existed for millions of years, and so the idea that hospital births are the only safe option for childbirth seems pretty unbelievable to me. Aft